The Purpose of this plugin is to significantly clean up standard java builds so that the build file is just a list of dependencies.
The plugin will handle creating artifacts in a standard way for most java builds.
Just include the plugin into any build you’d like to use it in and assign the appropriate properties.
Gradle File
plugins {
id '' version '0.1.0'
dependencies {
implementation libs.bundles.springboot
implementation project(":library")
compileOnly group: 'org.projectlombok', name: 'lombok', version: '1.18.+'
annotationProcessor group: 'org.projectlombok', name: 'lombok', version: '1.18.+'
testImplementation group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-api', version: '5.9.+'
testRuntimeOnly group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-engine'
The group the archive belongs to (Example: io.github.PacificEngine
The name of the project (Should be automatically assigned by gradle) (Example: zipper
The build version of the project (Example: 1.0.0
The java source for the build (Example: 21
The java target for the build (Example: 21
The group to put the java in the maven for (Defaults to
then to
) (Example: io.github.PacificEngine
The name of the java build (Defaults to
then to ${}-${}
unless is identical then it defaults to
) (Example: zipper
The version of the java build (Defaults to project.archive.version
then to project.version
) (Example: 1.0.0
The values to include in the zip file [;
Delimited] (Defaults to null) (Example: *.class;*.txt
The values to exclude from the zip file [;
Delimited] (Defaults to null) (Example: *.xml;*.log
If you want to include Automatic-Module-Name
in the manifest file (Defaults to true
The value of Automatic-Module-Name
(Defaults to ${javaArchiveGroupName}.${javaArchiveBaseName}
If you want to include Bundle-Vendor
, Bundle-SymbolicName
, Bundle-Version
, Bundle-Description
, and Bundle-DocURL
in the manifest file (Defaults to true
The value of Bundle-Vendor
(Defaults to
otherwise ``)
The value of Bundle-SymbolicName
(Defaults to ${javaArchiveGroupName}.${javaArchiveBaseName}
The value of Bundle-Version
(Defaults to javaArchiveVersion
The value of Bundle-Description
(Defaults to project.description
The value of Bundle-DocURL
(Defaults to project.url
otherwise git.source.repo.url
otherwise git.source.url
otherwise ``)
If you want to include Implementation-Vendor
, Implementation-Vendor-Id
, Implementation-Title
, Implementation-Build-Date
, Implementation-Version
, and Implementation-URL
in the manifest file (Defaults to true
The value of Implementation-Vendor
(Defaults to
otherwise ``)
The value of Implementation-Vendor-Id
(Defaults to javaArchiveGroupName
The value of Implementation-Title
(Defaults to javaArchiveBaseName
is automatically assigned in the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
The value of Implementation-Version
(Defaults to javaArchiveVersion
The value of Implementation-URL
(Defaults to project.url
otherwise git.source.repo.url
otherwise git.source.url
otherwise ``)
If you want to include Built-By
, Build-Timestamp
, Build-Jdk
, Build-OS
, Created-By
, X-Compile-Target-JDK
, and X-Compile-Source-JDK
in the manifest file (Defaults to true
is automatically assigned to the system variable
is automatically assigned in the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
is automatically assigned to the system variables java.version (java.vendor) java.vm.version
is automatically assigned to the system variables os.arch os.version
is automatically assigned to the value Gradle ${gradle.gradleVersion}
is automatically assigned to the value
is automatically assigned to the value java.source